Integrated Rural Development in Watersheds (Programa de Gestión Integral con Enfoque de Cuenca – PROCUENCA)

Detailed description of project:

The intervention aims to support a responsible use of the water resources by the relevant players at national, regional and local level. The project supports, among others, the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Vice-Ministry of Water and Irrigation in the implementation of a national plan for river basins with focus on the strategically important basins of the Río Azero and the Río Guadalquivir on how to jointly develop water management plans and reduce water risks. The project strengthens the planning, technical and organisational capacities of the national government, the regional governments of Chuquisaca and Tarija, the administrative units, municipalities and civil society. It promotes the establishment and development of digital data, information and analysis systems that provide a better understanding of the climate, weather, and surface and groundwater resources as well as their quantity and quality.

Water management plans are developed for the basins of the Rio Azero and the Rio Guadalquivir. The plans will improve water security, reduce water risks and increase the resilience of the population to the effects of climate change.

Type of services provided:

  • Development of web-based decision support systems integrated into a toolbox compatible with the national management information system GeoSIRH for IWRM applications;
  • Support to development of water management plans for the basins of the Rio Azero and the Rio Guadalquivir;
  • Preparation and application of digital data, information and analysis tools for planning and management of surface and groundwater resources and for increasing resilience of the population to the effects of climate change as well as reducing water risks;
  • Collection of hydrological, socio-economic, biological data;
  • implementation of baseline studies in the basins;
  • carrying out cost-benefit analyses and developing bankable projects;
  • Development and implementation of training measures and anchoring of the Curricula and training modules at a scientific institution;
  • Development of innovative user-friendly approaches to digitisation (apps) for climate sensitive water resource management;
  • Development of guidelines and handouts;
  • Foster cooperation between German/international and Bolivian;
  • University/research institution;

Development and implementation of training measures to strengthen planning and management capacities for basin management for different target groups.

05/2019 - 12/2023
Contract value: 2,327,117 €