Sanitation Concept Study for the City of Kabul

Detailed description of project:

The core objective of the project is the development and elaboration of the concepts and the type of technologies in order to ensure a proper wastewater disposal, storm water disposal for all parts of the city, keeping the interface of the deficient solid waste disposal system with any future wastewater and upgraded drainage system in mind. Resulting from the data collection and the assessment of the current situation the consultant  develops basic concepts / conceptual engineering (wastewater, de-centralised sewer systems, faecal sludge management, sludge collection, treatment and disposal, storm water) for the entire project area.

This concept study will result in the elaboration of a staged investment plan for the components to be financed of the future wastewater and drainage system analysed under the Sanitation Concept Study. These measures will be stratified and prioritised into short-term, medium-term, and long-term investment measures in line with the strategies for wastewater, storm water and solid waste disposal. Thus, providing a clear road map for the AUWSSC, Municipality of Kabul, and other stakeholders in the sector including donors for the implementation of future investments.

This Sanitation Concept is a target-based approach. Consequently, the targets to be reached at the defined planning stages (e.g. type of technology applicable (i.e. centralised, de-centralised, on-site, faecal sludge management, coverage / connection ratio, percentage of reduction of pollution loads, compliance with standards, improvement of health and hygiene situation in low income areas, etc.) will be set.

Type of services provided:

The Consultant delivers services in the following areas:

  • Environmental, Social and Climate Impact;
  • Social Impact – Target Groups Analysis;
  • Development of Wastewater Collection & Disposal Strategy;
  • Development of Commercial and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Strategy;
  • Strategy for Development Storm Water Drainage System;
  • Financial and Economic Analysis;
  • Operation and Maintenance Concept;
  • Investment Plan;
  • Preparation of Overall Sanitation Concept Study.

“The services concentrate on providing the PEA (AUWSSC) all the necessary managerial, technical, financial economic, social, and environmental tools for the implementation of the sanitation measures, in a sustainable manner.”

Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (AUWSSC)
BMZ through KfW
02/2020 - 07/2021
Contract value: 2,789,925 €