Establishment of an Integrated Water Resources Management Information System (IWRMIS)

Detailed description of project:

The objective of the project is the establishment of an Integrated Water Resources Management Information System (IWRMIS) that allows Zambian water users and institutions to extract the required information in order to adapt water resource management to climate change. Water information is collected by various institutions in Zambia. Up to now, the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) has held the main responsibility for water resource management as well as collection and processing of hydrological data, while the Zambia Meteorological Department (ZMD) is responsible for collecting and processing rainfall data and other relevant meteorological information. Rainfall information is additionally collected by volunteers who report to the ZMD. With the enforcement of the new Water Resources Management Act, a newly established Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA) will be responsible for water resource management and operation of the IWRMIS.

The consulting services comprise the following work packages: (1) Establishment of a measuring network; (2) Digitalisation of historical data, data quality analysis for historical and current data; (3) IT and data transfer system development for the IWRMIS (tender lot 2); and (4) Operation of hydrological flow gauging stations (optional).

Type of services provided:

  • Rehabilitation and re-establishment of flow gauging stations including appropriate instrumenta­tion for data recording, storage and equipment for data transfer;
  • Procurement of technical equipment for the calibration of rating curves (levelling equipment, current meters, ADCP) according to the needs of 167 gauging stations;
  • Collection of measuring data via mobile phone (SMS);
  • Transfer of data from SMS gateway and processing in IWRMIS;
  • Establishment of additional groundwater monitoring wells and equipment with appropriate instrumentation for data recording and storage;
  • Establishment of additional rainfall gauging stations;
  • Definition of the required IT hardware for the WRMA and the ZMD, including server, PC workstations and required data connectivity;
  • Software development for data transfer from the measuring stations to the databases and for exchange of selected and agreed data between the databases;
  • Software design for the IWRMIS;
  • Digitalisation of all available historical hydrological and meteorological information;
  • Software for data analysis and quality control of all previously recorded water data.
Ministry of Mines, Energy and Water Development
BMZ through KfW
12/2012 – 12/2019
Contract value: 3,559,327 €