Promotion of Small-Scale Irrigation and Food Security, Phase II (PISA II) – Consulting Services for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Preparation, Implementation, Management and Monitoring and Evaluation of the Project

Detailed description of project:

The overall objective of the project is to increase the production and income of smallholder farmers and herders through small-scale irrigation and fodder production as well as improving the conditions for sustainable and climate-smart use of natural resources in the regions of Tillabéry, Tahoua and Agadez to contribute to the promotion of productive agriculture and food security in Niger.

PISA II adopts a demand responsive approach as defined in the National Strategy for Small-scale Irrigation (SPIN) and the state’s strong demand for the mobilisation of water resources. The Consultant supports the implementation of the various PISA sub-projects (Task 1) for:

  • Promoting small-scale irrigation through relevant infrastructure such as water-spreading weirs, water storage structures (small dams, retention basins, etc.), water distribution systems, agricultural wells and boreholes, ponds, etc.);
  • Water and soil conservation and soil defence and restoration of watersheds with irrigation potential;
  • Support for the processing and marketing of agricultural products through supplementary infrastructure (e.g. access roads, storage and processing facilities; 
  • Support for livestock farming: fodder processing units, construction of slaughterhouses, vaccination stations and cattle troughs.

At the request of the government, the construction of 4 dams in the regions of Agadez and Tahoua was added to the programme as an additional task (Task 2).

The Consultant’s main fields of activities also cover

  • Accompanying measures by supporting communities and strengthening capacities of the beneficiaries;
  • Ensuring the functioning of the Project Management Unit (PMU) and the overall management of the project;
  • Ensuring the monitoring and evaluation of the project and the development of the Remote Management, Monitoring and Verification (RMMV) system, as well as the capitalisation and dissemination of project activities and results.

Type of services provided:

In the context of Task 1:
•    Information and awareness-raising activities to support sub-project proposals by communities; assistance to the formulation of applications and to their approval;
•    Preparation and execution of tenders for feasibility studies; preparation of tender documents for construction works and support to the procurement process;
•    Support to construction supervision;
•    Development of accompanying measures (carried out through service providers and in collaboration with local administrations and agencies):

  • Capacity building of management committees (internal management, operation and maintenance);
  • Supply of agricultural inputs and equipment, including improved seeds adapted to climate change, agroecology (organic manure, etc.);
  • Techniques for good agricultural production, integrating agroecological approaches;
  • Integration of fodder production / small and large scale livestock production;
  • Solar energy (pilot projects with solar pumping);
  • Capacity building for water and soil conservation / environmental protection measures (maintenance of reforested areas, establishment of stone barriers, etc.), which will be carried out using high-intensity labour (HLI);
  • Good nutrition;
  • Awareness-raising for social health and operational safety;
  • Techniques of conservation, processing, marketing of products.

For the 4 dams (Task 2):
•    Carrying out feasibility studies, preliminary and detailed design, ESIA, ESMP, etc., development of procurement documents and support to tendering and evaluation, construction supervision, design and monitoring of accompanying measures for beneficiaries through service providers.
Support to the management of the project and the functioning of the PMU:
•    Administrative, budgetary, financial and technical management of the project and the disposition fund;
•    Development of the Manual of Procedures;
•    Development and implementation of the GSVD system, including monitoring and evaluation of activities and impacts;
•    Reporting and coordination of partners;
•    Capitalization activities and dissemination of project results.

Directorate General for Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture
BMZ through KfW
09/2021 – 08/2026
Contract value:
7,324,218 €