IWRM study for the Chichaoua basin

Detailed description of project:

In 2009, the Government of Morocco adopted the “National Water Strategy”, as a new development strategy to meet current and future challenges in the water sector. It is based on three key objectives: (1) sustainably meeting the water demand, (2) the creation of an enabling environment for water resource management on the long term, (3) changing water use and management habits through the coordination of the different demands.

The present study deals with the elaboration of a local IWRM plan which aims to develop action plans for each sub-basin and includes an investment program for the implementation of priority IWRM activities.

Type of services provided:

  • An evaluation of the state of the natural resource (a water balance), the socio-economic situation and the environmental situation;
  • Stakeholder and SWOT analyses to implement IWRM in the pilot area;
  • Evaluation of the irrigation sector, the protection of water resources, industrial and drinking water supply, sanitation and wastewater reuse, anti-erosive measures and rainwater management, the protection against extreme events, the monitoring system for water resources and the control of its use, the evaluation of the influence of ecotourism in rural areas;
  • The development action plans for IWRM at sub-basin level;
  • The design of a multi-criteria analysis to classify the primary measures in the general list containing other IWRM investment projects;
  • The realization of prefeasibility studies for identified primary actions;
  • The development of an IWRM plan for the Chichaoua basin.  
Agence du Bassin Hydraulique de Tensift
BMZ through KfW
09/2015 – 06/2018
Contract value:
789,897 €