Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP): Prepare and Implement Sustainable Livelihood Support Activities for Communities around Sapo National Park: Assessment Phase

Detailed description of project:

The Liberia Forest Sector Project (LFSP) is financed by the Liberia Single Donor Forest Landscape Trust Fund. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is improved management of, and increased benefit sharing in, targeted forest landscapes. The LFSP has four components, namely: 

Component 1, Strengthened Regulatory and Institutional Arrangements for Implementation of REDD+;

Component 2, Strengthened Capacity for Management of Targeted Forest Landscapes;

Component 3, Forest Monitoring Information System; and

Component 4, Project Management, Monitoring, and Communication.

LFSP seeks to promote the sustainable management of the Protected Areas network of Liberia. Communities and households around the project-supported PAs will be provided with opportunities to restore their livelihoods to at least pre-project levels.
Under this objective, the LFSP supports sustainable livelihood support activities in communities around the Sapo National Park, as part of strengthening the on-the-ground management of this Protected Area.

It is intended that those people who will face restricted access to the Sapo National Park, including small-scale miners, hunters and others living in the targeted communities around the SNP will be supported through improved livelihoods options to help deter them from activities that are detrimental to the protected area. 


Type of services provided:

  • Identify a “menu” of options for viable, well-suited, and sustainable livelihood support activities to be undertaken around Sapo National Park;
  • Develop criteria for selecting beneficiary communities to be supported by the project’s livelihood support activities;
  • Establish and train Sustainable Livelihoods Support Committees around Sapo National Park.
Forestry Development Authority (FDA)
Worldbank (Government of Norway)
5/2019 - 05/2021
Contract value: 139,488 €