Smallholder Irrigation Program Mount Kenya Region (SIPMK Phase IV)

Detailed description of project:

The Smallholder Irrigation Program Mount Kenya Region (SIPMK) aims to increase household incomes of smallholder farmers through the introduction of intensive irrigated farming. SPIMK is designed as an “open pro­gramme”: The irrigation schemes are selected on the basis of well-defined technical, social, financial and institutional criteria. The project provides support for the implementation of new irrigation schemes and related extension services and offers credit facilities to farmer groups organised in legal entities. For this purpose, the German Govern­ment provides loan funds which are on-lent through the Kenyan Ministry of Finance to the participating private Kenyan banks.

Participating farmers are required to organise themselves in farmer cooperatives. This is a prerequisite before submission of a request for scheme implementation to the Programme Management Unit (PMU). Once the request has been approved according to predefined selection criteria, each beneficiary of the proposed irrigation scheme has to pay a credit security of up to 10% of his loan as part of his total contribution (farmers contribute 50% to the total investment costs of the irrigation system). Only then the irrigation systems will be designed, tendered and constructed.

Type of services provided:

  • Establishment and management of the Programme Management Unit (PMU);
  • Supervision of site selection, environmental and social assessment studies, final technical design and appropriate engineering concept for diversion structures and infield irrigation systems;
  • Assistance to the Irrigation and Drainage Directorate of the MWSI in tendering, bid evaluation, contracting and supervision of the works and supply contracts;
  • Support to farmer groups for the establishment and legal registration as farmer cooperatives to become qualified for loan financing for the construction of small-holder irrigation schemes;
  • Training of farmer cooperatives in operation and maintenance of the irrigation infrastructure;
  • Advice to farmers in loan applications and management;
  • Training of the farmer cooperatives in O&M of the irrigation infrastructure and handing over of irrigation schemes to the farmer cooperatives.
Ministry of Water and Irrigation (State Department of Irrigation)
BMZ through KfW
08/2017 – 01/2023
Contract value: 2,727,647 €