Decentralization and Communal Development Support Program (FADeC V) - Investment Accompanying Component (Component II)

Detailed description of project:

The objective of the project is to contribute to improving, through the national budget transfer mechanism Fonds d'Appui au Développement des Communes (FADeC), the equitable access of the population to adequate and sustainable basic services in accordance with the principles of good governance.

The "investment support component" (Component II) consists of measures to develop the FADeC system and communal project management as well as the provision of an external consultant to contribute to the implementation of the National Decentralisation and Deconcentration Policy (PONADEC) through support to SP CONAFIL, which ensures the operational management of the FADeC. Component II aims to improve the capacities of the main actors of FADeC governance (SP CONAFIL, Treasury, IGAA and IGF etc.) and of the management of FADeC resources by the Territorial Collectivities. It consists of two components.

Some of the investment measures initially planned have been replaced by rapid measures against COVID-19 (component 3). These new anti-COVID-19 measures follow the logic of the FADeC mechanism and aim to support the communes in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

In Component 4, the Beninese government, with the support of KfW, intends to undertake actions within the framework of the unallocated FADeC to prevent "the spread of radicalising and destabilising influences" in Benin. This involves targeted support to communes in the northern border regions with Burkina Faso, Niger and Nigeria.

Type of services provided:

Component 1 "Development of the FADeC system":

  • Study of the diversification of financial products and the creation of a counter for innovative projects;
  • Improvement of financial reporting and implementation of impact monitoring (of investments and controls);
  • Monitoring the performance of the FADeC system;
  • Organisation of SP/CONAFIL;
  • Establishment and implementation of an environmental and social management framework.

Component 2: "Good communal governance":

  • Improving the quality of infrastructure;
  • Improving the upkeep and maintenance of infrastructure;
  • Improvement and enhancement of audits and controls/sanctions;
  • Improvement of communal internal control, efficiency of communal management through digitalisation and vertical interconnection.

Component 4: “Guichet Sahel support”

  • Identification of de-radicalising measures and integration into communal planning documents;
  • Supporting the communes in the procurement procedures and the infrastructure implementation process;
  • Involvement of civil society actors in the entire process, ensuring citizen participation.
Ministry of Decentralization and Local Governance
BMZ through KfW
11/2020 – 12/2022
Contract value:
2,808,740 €