Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change

Detailed description of project:

Agriculture in the North of Benin is largely depending on rain water. As a result of changing climate, it is expected that this area will be prone to extreme and variable rainfall occurrence alternating with periods of drought. The negative impacts caused by the climate change are further aggravated by inappropriate management of the natural resources, especially soil and surface water management.

The objective of the project is therefore to improve surface water management and agricultural practices in those areas in Northern Benin affected by the implications of climate change. Project activities of the German technical cooperation focus on the following three fields:

  • Application of standard procedures for the identification and prioritisation of watershed areas;
  • Planning of investment measures in irrigation infrastructure and sustainable soil and water management in the watershed areas, taking into account climate change implications;
  • Support and training of the major stakeholders to plan and implement climate change adaptation measures.

Type of services provided:

  • Hydrological studies as a contribution to the preliminary design for irrigation improvement including development of temporarily flooded lowland areas;
  • Contribution to the establishment of a GIS;
  • Agro-economic studies regarding financial feasibility/cost and benefits of irrigation improvement measures.
Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development
09/2014 – 06/2019
Contract value: 3,019,156 €