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Training Session and Handing-Over a Tailor-made APP (GEDCAD)

Created by Bettina Martin |

Supporting the Cadastre of Burkina Faso (BKF/027)

Burkina Faso is a country experiencing strong demographic pressure and still being classified as a least developed country, with nearly 40% of the population living below the poverty line. The Burkina Faso government is engaged in adapting rural and urban land policies to ensure adequate governance and equitable access to resources.

To support this important development issue, AHT provided technical support within a framework contract to the project "BKF/027, Supporting the Cadastre of Burkina Faso in the Municipalities of  Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso." This project which ran from 13/09/2022 – 25/04/2024, was funded by Luxembourg Cooperation.

To reduce the number of land-related disputes, the project aimed to improve the production, preservation, and dissemination of cadastral-related documents.

AHT conducted field surveys, developed a training plan for the staff of the Land Registry Directorate, supported the inventory of cadastral and land information, and introduced a digitization strategy. AHT (together with the national IT firm ZEPINTEL) also developed a simple cadastre-oriented app, GEDCAD, enabling the storage and entry of cadastral information in a safe, user-friendly, and reliable way. This hinders corruption, assists in resolving disputes, and enables government authorities to store, safeguard, and gain easy access to crucial information.

 AHT’s support concluded with training sessions for GEDCAD users and IT specialists in the General Tax Department. GEDCAD, which is based on open-source code, was handed over along with a user manual, ensuring further development and ownership of the app.