Nature Conservation, Forestry and Governance
The AHT Department for Nature Conservation, Forestry and Governance is supporting government institutions and NGOs with the implementation of integrated natural resources management, biodiversity conservation and rural development programmes worldwide. Our expertise lies in the improvement of livelihoods and the socio-economic development of rural communities for instance through community forestry, agroforestry, eco-tourism development and other community development measures.
AHT supports protected areas through the development and implementation of management plans, biodiversity monitoring, capacity building, the construction and rehabilitation of national park infrastructure and the procurement of equipment.
AHT also provides advice on the financing of nature conservation and the development of monitoring systems. In addition to local and national nature conservation efforts, AHT works on eco-regional transboundary conservation. This also aims at the mitigation of conflicts and contributes to building and maintaining peace.
AHT supports communal authorities and administrations in local development and decentralisation, administrative reform, urban planning, civil society enhancement and community development.
AHT's Department for Nature Conservation, Forestry and Governance employs about a dozen specialists with backgrounds in geography, agriculture, biology, forestry, economic, political and social sciences. Our regional focus lies on Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast and South Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.
Our main fields of activities are:
- Biodiversity Conservation and Protected Area Management
- Sustainable Forest and Watershed Management
- Agroforestry
- Soil Conservation and Erosion Control
- Livelihood and Socio-Economic Development
- Eco-Tourism Development
- Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
- Eco-regional Transboundary Cooperation
- Land Management and Spatial Planning
- Environmental Funds and Conservation Finance
- Violence Prevention and Conflict Management
- Social Investment Funds
- Decentralisation Strategies
- Community Development and Civil Society Enhancement
- Environmental and Social Safeguards
Head of Nature Conservation, Forestry and Governance
Jörg Lieberei
Phone: +49 201 2016-220
Deputy Head of Nature Conservation, Forestry and Governance
Karolin Herpers
Phone: +49 201 2016-216